This kind of questions always surfaces in social media especially in paranormal topics that is related to an illness acquired by preternatural way. 

If KULAM is real why is there no corrupt politicians being afflicted with it?

The most common answer from the self proclaimed antingeros and fake combateros are those corrupt politicians have a protection from a sage person who has a deep knowledge in shamanism. 

But how can these fake antingeros explain the global scale? There's a lot of corrupt politicians worldwide that doesn't believe in occult practices. They don't give a shit to blesser or shaman. How can they explain that? 

That protection thing from another person is just a reasoning for the LNK practicioners who only have a few knowledge and didn't think logically outside of the box. 

The answer can be found in the Bible. 

Matthew 12:26 

And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand? 

Those corrupt politicians can destroy people lives in a big scale. And the devil likes to see the people of the Lord suffering so with their despair, they will blame God for letting those things happen. But God allows it to happen to know who will still faithful to him even in times of crisis. 

These corrupt politicians holds the future of their people. If they mess up everyone in his dominion will suffer. Satan wants that to happen to he will tempt to corrupt the politicians. 

If those corrupt politicians has a good use in destroying people lives in a large scale, there's no way Satan will let them to be afflicted with Kulam. These corrupt politicians are protected by Satan himself. 

And here's another question. 

Why are those previous politicians who are known as corrupt and after their political term they got sicked so badly?

It's easy to answer that. The devil is not loyal. Hi was not even loyal to his maker so what more to his puppets? Once the devil find new politicians who have a better influence and a larger number of supporters, that new politicians is his new subject. He will tempt them to do the worse. 

What will happen to his previous puppet who is not in the office anymore? The devil has no use to them so he will let them suffer and take the vengeance of the people by any means physical or spiritual way. 

If retired politicians whom being accused by some people as corrupt and still living healthy today, it means that Satan can still use them or their families.

So think globally don't be a bagito antingero and fake combatero!!!😂✌️ 


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