King Leklai is believed to be sa strongest of all leklai colors. Some parts of Southeast Asia calls it by different names. And ritualized in a Bhuddist way. But people in Malaysia who in into occult beliefs, call it King Leklai, because for them, it has the most of positive energy reserve. ABILITY: SPIRITUAL PROTECTION DEFLECTS BLACK MAGIC DRIVES AWAY UNFORTUNATE EVENTS CHARISMA BUILDER LUCKY CHARM WISHING AMULET Reciting prayers or Bhuddist occult incantation to the amulet is optional. Because it already has a huge amount of reserve positive energy, thus, prayer is not that necessary. The amulet may activate naturally due to its natural ability. INCANTATION: Na Mo Dtassa Pakawadto Arahadto Sammaa Samputtassa 3x ( Ask permission to the owner of this blogsite) 3x Namma Patta Nammo Phutthaya Procedure: The prayer is 21 days cycle. Start on full moon and from there count 21 days then wait until next full moon for another 21 days cycle. And so on.