Na Mo Dtassa Pakawadto Arahadto Sammaa Samputtassa 3x Putto Mae Naa Tho, Tammo Mae Naa Tho, Sangko Mae Naa Tho Sa Ga Pa Ja Bucha Ja I pay reverence to the guardian of the Sacred Element of Lek Lai that wields great power. I Sa Waa Su I Dti Bpi So Pa Ka Waa Lek Lai, please grow and prosper,prosper greatly, cultivate good things and let them flow towards me. Samma Sammaa Sammaa Samma Ma A U Na Ma Pa Ta Na Mo Put Taa Ya PRONUNCIATION Namo tassa pakawadto arahadto sama samputasa 3x Puto me na to Tamo me na to Sangko me na to Saga paja Bucha ja Isa wasu idi biso pakawa Sama sama sama sama Ma-a u namapata putaya Procedure: The prayer is 21 days cycle. Start on full moon and from there count 21 days then wait until next full moon for another 21 days cycle. And so on.