Spirit Orb is a mysterious ball of energy. There are many theories of how it was came into existence. This ball of energy usually shows when there's an important occasion in a family or sometimes in family gathering. Many believe that these ball of energy is one of the may forms of ghost. Round shape is the easiest shape to adopt by a ghost and in order for it to move around. It is to maneuver with this shape according to some paranormal investigators. Spirit orb often captured in a photo during spacial occasion of a certain family, thus, some paranormal experts theorized that it's the ghost of the love ones who past away. They try to attend into the special moment of the people they love in the world of the living. The most popular spirit orb in the Philippines is the Santelmo. It is a ball of fire roaming around the woods or sometimes in the streets where the site of an accident and deaths. According to some Filipino elderly folks, they often seen the orb after the rain durin...