THAO WESSUWAN HUNTER (GHOST KILLER) Tao Wessuwan is one of the most important gods and had actually been, and still, acquire many respect in numerous nations as the guardian of all wicked spirits. These spell, belong to the Four Guardian Gods and Tao Wessuwan is their head, was present to Buddha, as the Four Guardian Gods deem that they have to many fans, some are excellent and some are evil and may hurt wondering monks who in the middle of graveyard, deep jungle. This Deity resides in the realm the Celestial Realm of the 4 Demon. this realm named Jadtu-mahaa-rachi-gaa. The four quarters of this realm are ruled by 4 demon Lords. Taw Tadtaratha is Lord of the East Taw Wirulabpaks is Lord of the South Taw Wirunlahog is Lord of the West, and Taw Wesuwan is Lord of the North. These spell, belong to the Four Guardian Gods and Tao Wessuwan is their head. Their duty is to guard demons and wicked spirits, and keep them away from harming humans. Wessuwan’s magical trunche...