What is Kumanthong Kumanthong is a spirit of an infant or toddler which placed inside a doll or amulet, for it to help people. Doing good deeds for living person/s give it the chance to absorb more positive karma for it to reincarnate. People believe in Kumanthong also believe in reincarnation. In order to reincarnate an individual needs to have enough positive karma for him/her to reincarnate and have spiritual maturity through experiencing different lifetime on earth. These instructions below are the steps on how to take care of Kumanthong if you're planning to have one or already have one. Benefits and Purpose of Kumanthong 1. Spirit Guide and Protector 2. Good luck Charm 3. Wishing and Healing Amulet How to take care of Kumanthong 1. Altar A Kumanthong must have it's own space after wearing it or it is a large type of figure. 2. Feeding The master of Kumanthong must consider it as a living creatures. It needs the essence of the food you offer for it to get stronger...